Hit trendovi za proleće/leto | Fashion&Friends (2024)

Hit trendovi za proleće/leto | Fashion&Friends (1)


"); jqAthena(".athena-autocomplete").after("

"); jqAthena('.athena-search-autocomplete').addClass(layoutType); /* Show Autocomplete */ function showAutocompleteBox() { hideNoConnectionBox(); jqAthena(".athena-autocomplete").css({'display': 'block'}); searchForm.addClass('arrow'); } /* Hide Autocomplete */ function hideAutocompleteBox() { jqAthena(".athena-autocomplete").css({'display': 'none'}); } /* Show First Click Autocomplete */ function showFirstClickAutocompleteBox() { hideNoConnectionBox(); jqAthena(".athena-first-click").css({'display': 'block'}); searchForm.addClass('arrow'); } /* Hide First Click Autocomplete */ function hideFirstClickAutocompleteBox() { jqAthena(".athena-first-click").css({'display': 'none'}); } /* Show No Connection Box */ function showNoConnectionBox() { noConnection = true; jqAthena('.athena-search-autocomplete').hide(); jqAthena('#athena-no-connection').show(); searchForm.addClass('arrow'); } /* Hide No Connection Box */ function hideNoConnectionBox() { jqAthena('#athena-no-connection').hide(); searchForm.removeClass('arrow'); } /* Show "No Result" Section in Autocomplete */ function showNoResult(value) { jqAthena(".athena-no-result").show(); jqAthena("#athena-no-result-query").html('"' + value + '"'); } /* Hide "No Result" Section in Autocomplete */ function hideNoResult() { jqAthena(".athena-no-result").hide(); } /* Main Search Function */ var searchForClickProduct = ''; var currentRequest = null; jqAthena.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: {'token': websiteToken}, url: searchTabsUrl, cache: true, success: function (searchTabs) { if (searchTabs.data.length > 0) { jqAthena('

').prependTo(".athena-autocomplete"); } jqAthena.each(searchTabs.data, function (i, item) { if (!item.checked) { jqAthena('

').appendTo(".athena-search-tabs"); }else{ jqAthena('

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').appendTo(".athena-autocomplete"); jqAthena('

').appendTo(".athena-wrapper"); jqAthena('

' + sorryTitle + '

').appendTo(".athena-first-click"); jqAthena('

').appendTo(".athena-first-click"); jqAthena('

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' + value.title + '

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' + element.name + '

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' + element.name + '

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' + value.title + '

').appendTo(".athena-flex-ac .athena-ac-section-" + key); } jqAthena.each(value.items, function (n, element) { var item_id_selector = key + element.id; if (element.image) { jqAthena('' + element.highlighted_name + '').appendTo(".athena-flex-ac .athena-ac-section-" + key); }else{ jqAthena('' + element.highlighted_name + '').appendTo(".athena-flex-ac .athena-ac-section-" + key); } if(key === 'product'){ if( element.price['custom_field_prices'] !== null ) { if(typeof element.price['custom_field_prices'].loyalty_price !== 'undefined'){ jqAthena(' ' + element.price.regular_price_with_currency + ''+ element.price.loyalty_price_with_currency +'').appendTo(".athena-autocomplete .athena-el-2-" + item_id_selector); } else if(typeof element.price['custom_field_prices'].special_price !== 'undefined' && element.price['custom_field_prices'].special_price !== null){ jqAthena(' ' + element.price.regular_price_with_currency + ' ' + element.price.special_price_with_currency + '').appendTo(".athena-autocomplete .athena-el-2-" + item_id_selector); 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jqAthena('#search_autocomplete').addClass('only-product'); jqAthena(".athena-search-tabs").addClass('only-product-tabs'); }else{ jqAthena('.athena-search-autocomplete:first-of-type').removeClass('only-product'); jqAthena('#search_autocomplete').removeClass('only-product'); jqAthena(".athena-search-tabs").removeClass('only-product-tabs'); } if (i_none === 1) { showAutocompleteBox(); hideFirstClickAutocompleteBox(); hideNoResult(); } else { hideAutocompleteBox(); showFirstClickAutocompleteBox(); showNoResult(val); } jqAthena("#numRes").val(i_none); }, error: function(data) { if (data.status !== 0) { showFirstClickAutocompleteBox(); showNoResult(val); } } }); } } /* Delay Function */ function delay(callback, ms) { let timer = 0; return function () { let context = this, args = arguments; clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function () { callback.apply(context, args); }, ms || 0); }; } /* Event KeyUp */ jqAthena('#search').keyup(delay(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 37 || e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 39 || e.keyCode == 40) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { if (currentRequest != null) { currentRequest.abort(); } hideAutocompleteBox(); hideFirstClickAutocompleteBox(); hideNoConnectionBox(); } return false; } search(); }, 500)); /* Disable on Keyword Enter click on autocomplete items */ jqAthena(window).keydown(function (e) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { jqAthena("#currentFocus").val(-1); } }); /* Get Cookie by key */ function getCookie(key) { var keyValue = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' + key + '=([^;]*)(;|$)'); return keyValue ? keyValue[2] : null; } /* Search History */ function searchHistory(productId) { var date = Date.now() + 86400; var searchHistory = localStorage.getItem('athenaSearchHistory'); if (searchHistory) { searchHistory = JSON.parse(searchHistory); if (searchHistory[productId] && searchHistory[productId]['token'] === websiteToken) { searchHistory[productId]['token'] = websiteToken; searchHistory[productId]['expiration'] = date; searchHistory[productId]['oid'] = productId; localStorage.setItem('athenaSearchHistory', JSON.stringify(searchHistory)); } else { searchHistory[productId] = {}; 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localStorage.setItem("_athena-uid", token); } return token; } /* Send Clicked Product to Athena */ function productClick(e, type) { var currentTarget = e; var searchKeywords = ""; if (typeof currentTarget.dataset.elementId != 'undefined') { var productId = currentTarget.dataset.elementId; var productSku = currentTarget.dataset.elementSku; var productElement = jqAthena("#product"+productId); searchKeywords = "First Click,"; searchHistory(productId); if (productElement.length) { if (typeof productElement[0].dataset.terms !== 'undefined') { searchKeywords = productElement[0].dataset.terms; } } if (productSku && window.dataLayer !== 'undefined') { let item; for (let i = 0; i < window.dataLayer.length; i++) { let currentLayer = window.dataLayer[i]; if (currentLayer.event === 'view_item_list' && typeof currentLayer.ecommerce !== 'undefined' && typeof currentLayer.ecommerce.items !== 'undefined') { item = currentLayer.ecommerce.items.find(currentItem => currentItem.item_id === productSku); if (typeof item !== 'undefined') { let listId = "first_click"; let listName = "First Click"; if (!searchKeywords.includes('First Click,')) { listId = "search_autocomplete"; listName = "Search autocomplete"; } item.item_list_id = listId; item.item_list_name = listName; window.dataLayer.push({ecommerce: null}); window.dataLayer.push({ event: "select_item", ecommerce: { item_list_id: listId, item_list_name: listName, items: item } }); break; } } } } jqAthena.ajax({ type: 'POST', cache: true, data: { 'productId': productId, 'type': type, 'token': websiteToken, 'searchKeywords': searchKeywords, 'customer': getCookie('athena_customer_cookie'), 'athenaUid': localStorage.getItem("_athena-uid") }, url: productClickApiUrl, dataType: "json", beforeSend: function () { if (currentRequest != null) { currentRequest.abort(); } }, error: function (request, error) { }, success: function (data) { } }); } } /* Disable button after submit search form */ jqAthena('#search_mini_form').submit(function (e) { var val1 = jqAthena('#search').val().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,""); 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showAutocompleteBox(); jqAthena("#search").focus(); hideFirstClickAutocompleteBox(); showAutocompleteBox(); } } else { jqAthena(".search-close").addClass("active"); jqAthena(".search-form").addClass("active"); showNoConnectionBox(); } } } }); jqAthena(document).mouseup(function (event) { if (event.target === jqAthena('html')[0] && event.clientX >= document.documentElement.offsetWidth) { if (window.innerWidth >= 992) { hideAutocompleteBox(); hideFirstClickAutocompleteBox(); hideNoConnectionBox(); searchForm.removeClass('arrow'); jqAthena(".search-form").removeClass("overlay"); jqAthena("body").removeClass('athena-search'); } } }); jqAthena(document).on("touchstart", ".athena-wrapper", function () { jqAthena("#search").blur(); }); jqAthena(document).on("touchmove", function () { if (!jqAthena('.athena-autocomplete').is(':visible') && !jqAthena('.athena-first-click').is(':visible')) { jqAthena(".search-close").removeClass("active"); jqAthena(".search-form").removeClass("active overlay"); 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let discount = ""; if (typeof dataItems[i].price.discount_percentage !== 'undefined') { discount = dataItems[i].price.discount_percentage; } let brand = ""; if (typeof dataItems[i].brand !== 'undefined' && typeof dataItems[i].brand.label !== 'undefined') { brand = dataItems[i].brand.label; } if (typeof dataItems[i].category_names !== 'undefined') { let categories = dataItems[i].category_names; if (categories.length) { let count = (categories.length < 5) ? categories.length : 5; for (let j = 0; j < count; j++) { if (j === 0) { items[i] = { "item_category": categories[j] } } else { let no = j + 1; items[i] = { ...items[i], [`item_category${no}`]: categories[j] } } } } } else { items[i] = { "item_category": "" } } items[i] = { "item_id": sku, "item_name": name, "affiliation": "Fashion&Friends - Online prodavnica", "coupon": "", "discount": discount, "item_brand": brand, ...items[i], "item_list_id": listId, "item_list_name": listName, "price": price, "quantity": 1 } } return items; } }); });
Hit trendovi za proleće/leto | Fashion&Friends (2024)
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Article information

Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Views: 6059

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.