Fujiiryoki Cyber Relax Pro - 4D Dual Massage Robot Flex Frame SL Track Massage Chair (2024)

by Fujiiryoki

Original price $11,000.00

Original price $11,000.00 - Original price $11,000.00

Original price $11,000.00

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Fujiiryoki Cyber Relax Pro - 4D Dual Massage Robot Flex Frame SL Track Massage Chair (47)

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Fujiiryoki MR8000 - Cyber-Relax Pro Massage Chair

Introducing the Fujiiryoki MR8000 - Cyber-Relax Pro Massage Chair, a next-generation high-function massage chair designed to elevate your relaxation experience. Crafted to provide effective full-body care, the MR8000 helps you conquer fatigue and embrace comfort, ensuring you greet tomorrow in peak condition.

The MR8000 features a Flex SL Track, allowing for both Zero Gravity and Lay Flat postures, offering the ultimate in relaxation. Its dual massage robots operate independently, providing a comprehensive massage that mimics the natural movements of human hands. With 19 distinct massage techniques and a high-performance air massage system comprising 86 strategically placed air cells, this chair delivers a thorough and soothing massage experience.

Additional features include calf and triple foot rollers, a luxurious full-body heater, and a variety of 20 auto courses tailored to your physical condition and mood. The MR8000 also offers a DIY course feature, enabling you to create your own massage programs to suit your evolving preferences.

Key Features

  • Flex SL Track: Allows for both Zero Gravity and Lay Flat postures, providing ultimate relaxation.
  • Dual Massage Robots: Independently operating mechanisms deliver a comprehensive full-body massage.
  • 19 Distinct Massage Techniques: Mimic the natural movements of human hands for an effective massage.
  • High-Performance Air Massage System: 86 strategically placed air cells promote efficient blood flow.
  • Calf and Triple Foot Rollers: Provide targeted relief to the lower body.
  • Luxurious Full-Body Heater: Heaters for neck, hands, back/stomach, and calves wrap the body in warmth.
  • 20 Auto Courses: Original courses tailored to your physical condition and mood.
  • DIY Course Feature: Create your own massage programs to suit your evolving preferences.


Model MR8000
Massage Techniques 19 distinct techniques
Auto Courses 20 courses
Air Cells 86
Heater Locations Neck, hands, back/stomach, calves
Track Length 130 cm

Product Images

Fujiiryoki Cyber Relax Pro - 4D Dual Massage Robot Flex Frame SL Track Massage Chair (48)

Fujiiryoki Cyber Relax Pro - 4D Dual Massage Robot Flex Frame SL Track Massage Chair (49)

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Fujiiryoki Cyber Relax Pro - 4D Dual Massage Robot Flex Frame SL Track Massage Chair (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.